Palazzo Trinci
In Palazzo Trinci in Foligno we take care of the following activities and visitor services.
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In Palazzo Trinci in Foligno we take care of the following activities and visitor services.
Where: Piazza della Repubblica 3, Foligno (PG)
Transportation:By train: from Rome Tiburtina railway station it takes approx. 2 hours to reach Foligno
Walking: Palazzo Trinci is 15 minutes away from Foligno railway station
By car: motorway A1 from Rome: exit Orte then take the via Flaminia to Foligno, exit "Foligno centro" direction "via Piave"
Telephone: +39 06 399 67 444
Web: Palazzo Trinci
From Tuesday to Sunday
25 December
1 January
Open from 10.00 to 19.00 on 6 January - Easter/ Pasquetta- 25 April - 1 May - 2 June - 31 October - 1 November - 8 and 31 December
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